Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My Bag!

Yet another noodlehead's pattern, "The Cargo Duffle". I really love her style and her instructions. This pattern is FREE! you can get it at Robert Kauffman's website, and it is an easy pdf download. 

  • Printemps Lace Pond by 3 Sisters by Moda #44033-14
  • Dimple pimk fabric

cut, labeled, and color matched

pockets are ready!

elastic inside pockets

inside zipper pocket.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Bow ties are cool

I made a Bow Tie for Seth, just because. I followed a tutorial on sew like my mom's blog, she has an easy to download patter. Follow her instructions,it is that easy!

The funny part was trying to make the bow with this stiffer cotton material, I should try it with something more slick.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Dog Leash for Lily

I mainly follow other quilters on instagram, michelle patterns in one of the many that inspire me. A few days ago she did a mini tutorial with pictures here. I loved the idea of using up scraps. I was meeting Shannon in a few days for breakfast, and decided to make this for her and her cute dog lily. 

I used the tutorial as a guide line, I am known to skip steps and never follow direction. I cut the scraps out into 5" wide and whatever the length of the scrap. I sewed it all together pressing all the seams to one side. **note: I should have pressed the seams open. Then, I ironed the interfacing, ironed the fold into 4 pieces and quilted along the strap starting with the open edge. then added the hook and sewed that corner. Lastly I folded the other end into a handle.

The leash is about 6 ft long.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Kindle Tablet Cover

I really wanted to experiment making it as padded as possible since I was making it for my nephew. I made him one for Christmas out of flannel and within months of a lot of love he was in need for another one. During spring break he came to visit and asked for it. In the course of two evenings I was done. I used fussible pello 971F, and to that I added a layer of felt for batting. Added music key notes as applique.

The cover opens from the top into the side.
It was a bit of a challenge to figure out how to add the limning. You sew it as if it were a regular zipper pouch and then the insides together leaving an open gap to be able to flip the project.